Dear Parents and Students, Staff and Fellow Citizens of Sirsa. Heartiest Greetings!! It is indeed an honour to welcome you all to our school website. It’s a privilege indeed, that we as Xavierites of 2023-24, begin counting the sequins of last 50 golden years gathered by our precious elders/seniors. As we begin this beautiful Golden Jubilee Year, it’s my earnest desire that we décor our lives with golden sequins of ‘Truth, Wisdom, Goodness and Charity’ as inscribed in our School Logo. Fifty years ago, the visionary priest members of the Society of Pilar, after having encountered a dire need of a school in the town of Sirsa, started a Hindi medium school. It was not an easy journey to begin with. The journey that began in a small residence, has come to its Golden Years of educating the young minds of our city, Sirsa. Xavierites, today, are excelling nobly towards the growth of our country as officers, bureaucrats, diplomats, leaders, business entrepreneurs, etc. St. Xavier’s is proud of its Xavierites: past, present and future. With a long and rewarding history of achievement in education behind us, our school community continues to move forward together with confidence, pride and enthusiasm. "The tradition of excellence is ours; the choice is yours!" I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.